Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hanging truck post

This is most impressive.  I am surprised that the trailer hitch could support the truck like this.  I wonder if this driver called for help on the ham radio he had in his truck.  It would be bad if he kept the ham radio in the boat.  This is much worse than an accidental jibe especially if the ham radio is in the boat.  I wonder if I could use this picture to help convince my wife that I should buy a boat.  I already own a ham radio so I don't need to convince her of that.   I only need to convince her I should keep the ham radio.  I hope this never happens to my truck and my boat never needs to save me.  I would rather have an accidental jibe than have anything to do with a problem like this.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Squashed truck post

It is a good thing trucks can't have accidental jibes.  This truck would have been much better of to have an accidental jibe than this problem though.  I don't know how this happened.  I assume that this man did not know how to make the tree fall the way he wanted it to fall so it fell on his truck.  That would make me much more grumpy than an accidental jibe.  It is possible however that this tree fell on the truck as a result of a hurricane.  If that is the case it would be less grumpy than letting the tree fall on your truck when you cut it down but still much more grumpy than an accidental jibe.  The worst thing about this accident is that there may have been a ham radio in the truck that got squashed with the truck.  Squashing your ham radio with a tree is also worse than an accidental jibe especially if the radio is in your truck at the time.  I hope this man has truck insurance.  I wonder if collision coverage includes collisions with trees when the truck is parked and the tree is the one that is moving.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Half Sunken Barge post

Wow, This is definitely worse than an accidental jibe.  Fortunately for me I have never had an accidental jibe (even when I was recently involved in a minor boating accident).  I am sure the captain of this boat wishes he had an accidental jibe instead of this kind of accident.  Although I have no knowledge of what kind of accident this was it did result in lots of water inside the hull of this boat where it does not belong.  This boat is also not capable of an accidental jibe.  Again, wrong kind of boat.  I hope I never have this kind of accident.  I hope I never have an accidental jibe either but better that than this.  

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

boat crash post

This boat was posted for sale a while back on Craigs list with the title of way too fast.  This must have been a very bad day for this boater.  This was much worse than an accidental jibe and I am glad I was not present.  The channel marker appears to have had no damage which I find impressive.  If this were my boat I would be very embarrassed.  I think the embarrassment alone would be much worse than an accidental jibe although an accidental jibe could be embarrassing as well.  I am certain most accidental jibes do not cause as much damage as this encounter with the channel marker caused.  Fortunately for this boater an accidental jibe would have been impossible given the type of boat he was driving.  Imagine how embarrassing  it would have been to have an accidental jibe and this sort of encounter with a channel marker at the same time.  

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sailboat post


A jibe has nothing to do with an insult.  At least not in the context I am familiar with and definitely not within the context of this blog.  However, an accidental jibe could cause insult in certain circumstances or contexts.  By the way this sailboat could be in danger of an accidental jibe.  I would enjoy being on this sailboat much more than I would enjoy an accidental jibe even if I were not insulted by it.  I like sailing but I do not enjoy accidental jibes.  Actually I have never been involved or associated with an accidental jibe but I think it is safe to assume I would not like an accidental jibe.  Accidental jibes are like being presented with piece of delicious chocolate cake but just before you take the first bite someone smashes it in your face.  Fortunately cake washes off and causes no damage unlike an accidental jibe which could cause significant damage even if the damage is only to your ego.  I would like to believe that I am too good for an accidental jibe but that would be an unwise and arrogant thing to believe.  Just when you think you are so great thats when you get humbled.  Being humbled can be worse than an accidental jibe unless you are humbled by an accidental jibe then they are equally bad.  On the other hand an accidental jibe could be worse than being humbled if you are not humbled a great deal.  The water in this picture looks very nice.  I would like to go fishing in it.  That would be unquestionably better than an accidental jibe.