Wednesday, November 19, 2008

boat crash post

This boat was posted for sale a while back on Craigs list with the title of way too fast.  This must have been a very bad day for this boater.  This was much worse than an accidental jibe and I am glad I was not present.  The channel marker appears to have had no damage which I find impressive.  If this were my boat I would be very embarrassed.  I think the embarrassment alone would be much worse than an accidental jibe although an accidental jibe could be embarrassing as well.  I am certain most accidental jibes do not cause as much damage as this encounter with the channel marker caused.  Fortunately for this boater an accidental jibe would have been impossible given the type of boat he was driving.  Imagine how embarrassing  it would have been to have an accidental jibe and this sort of encounter with a channel marker at the same time.  


*Crusan said...

WOW! You amaze me! I find that I am more confused about accidental jibe now!!! Did we encounter an accidental jibe when we were attempting to sail with a dead engined boat? Or was that not even close to an accidental jibe?

Whambat said...

I know what an accidental jibe is now! And I get you screen name! haha... It was mentioned in a movie I saw once! Teh main character sold saiboats! I just now remebered! hehe. good movie...