Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Squashed truck post

It is a good thing trucks can't have accidental jibes.  This truck would have been much better of to have an accidental jibe than this problem though.  I don't know how this happened.  I assume that this man did not know how to make the tree fall the way he wanted it to fall so it fell on his truck.  That would make me much more grumpy than an accidental jibe.  It is possible however that this tree fell on the truck as a result of a hurricane.  If that is the case it would be less grumpy than letting the tree fall on your truck when you cut it down but still much more grumpy than an accidental jibe.  The worst thing about this accident is that there may have been a ham radio in the truck that got squashed with the truck.  Squashing your ham radio with a tree is also worse than an accidental jibe especially if the radio is in your truck at the time.  I hope this man has truck insurance.  I wonder if collision coverage includes collisions with trees when the truck is parked and the tree is the one that is moving.

1 comment:

*Crusan said...

I love your posts. I feel as if you are plopped up on the desk reading it to me! I love how your wording just rolls....
You make me laugh & smile...I need that today!
Happy turkey day!